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Administrative scrivener corporation partner​:


Administrative scrivener corporation partner​:


Antique dealer permission

An antique dealer means a business operator or an individual trades or exchanges antiques, which are prescribed on Antique Dealings Act, as business. The aim of the necessity for antique dealer permission is to prevent plunders from cashing, or to make the crime route clear.


Buying and selling of antiques, in its nature, has possibility of mixing with stolen goods, and if we don't regulate by the permission, it may abet the crimes.


Therefore, by fulfilling each duty (permission・procedures afterward) under the law, we can prevent the theft and other crimes, and maintain the society that can easily recover from damage.


<Points of necessity of antique dealer permission>

① Whether the line of products meets definition of "antique" or not.

②Whether your business meets definition of "antique dealer" or not.

<Definition of antiques under Antique Dealings Act>

① The goods are used(※1)once.

② The goods are unused and traded to use them.

③  The goods are repaired or remade(※2)under the conditions of ①, ②.

※1examples of meaning of "use": clothes→ had be worn, cars→ had be driven.

※2 "repaired or remade" has to be in a range of its original usage and purpose. "Iron scrap" and "fiber scrap" do not meet the definition of antiques because they need to change their shapes to be reused.

◾️Classification of antiques(13items)

※Applications are different among the items.

Art:painting, sculpture, handiworks etc.

Clothing:Japanese clothing(kimono), other clothing

clocks, Jewelry:clocks, glasses, jewels and ornaments, precious metal etc.

Automobiles:components are included.

Motorcycles:components are included.

Bycycles:components are included.

Photographic equipments:cameras, optical equipments

Office equipments:registers, typewriters, calculators, mimeographs, word processors, facsimiles, computers etc.

Machinery tools:electric appliances, machine tools, chemical machineries, other tools etc.

Utensils:furniture, office furniture, exercise machines, musical instruments, magnetic recording medium, record players etc.

Leather・rubber goods:bags, shoes etc.


Premium tickets:gift tickets, tickets, stamps and other tickets or vouchers that are specified in the first article of  order for the Enforcement of the Antique Dealings Act.

※Large-sized machines below are excluded.

1. Ships which total weight are over 20 tons. 

2. Airplanes

3. Railroad vehicles

4. Machines which weight over 1 ton and cemented to land or buildings.

5. Machines (exclude ships) which weight over 5 tons and cannot self-propel or tow.


◾️Antique dealing in Antique Dealings Act

① A business that permitted antique dealers trade or exchange antiques, or,  trade or exchange antiques in commission. 

② An antique market managed by permitted antique market owners (dealers trade or exchange antiques, and usually sale by auction.)

※Only antique dealers are allowed to trade in the market. People with out permission cannot trade.

③ Online auction business managed by antique auction brokers who have submitted a notice to public safety commission.

※Management of internet auction.


※There are services such as "merukari" and "amazon" to sale used goods online by an individual. But it needs to be careful because there is a possibility of wondering as antique dealing, if the trade was managed. 


<Requirements・points to be permitted>

1. Whether the case meet conditions for disqualification or not.

2. Secure a place for sales office.

3. Appoint a manager.


<Period to get the permission>

Standard processing period at police office: 40 days

Antique dealer permission



Antique dealer permission

調 理 業

  • 飲食店営業

  • 喫茶店営業

製 造 業

  • 菓子製造業

  • あん類製造業

  • アイスクリーム類製造業

  • 乳製品製造業

  • 食肉製品製造業

  • 魚肉ねり製品製造業

  • 清涼飲料水製造業

  • 酸菌飲料製造業

  • 氷雪製造業

  • 食用油脂製造業

  • マーガリン又はショートニング製造業

  • みそ製造業

  • 醤油製造業

  • ソース類製造業

  • 酒類製造業

  • 豆腐製造業

  • 納豆製造業

  • めん類製造業

  • そうざい製造業

  • 缶詰又は瓶詰食品製造業

  • 添加物製造業

処 理 業

  • 乳処理業

  • 特別牛乳搾取処理業

  • 集乳業

  • 食肉処理業

  • 食品の冷凍又は冷蔵業

  • 食品の放射線照射業

販 売 業

  • 乳類販売業

  • 食肉販売業

  • 魚介類販売業

  • 魚介類せり売り業

  • 氷雪販売業

Antique dealer permission













Antique dealer permission

An antique dealer means a business operator or an individual trades or exchanges antiques, which are prescribed on Antique Dealings Act, as business. The aim of the necessity for antique dealer permission is to prevent plunders from cashing, or to make the crime route clear.


Buying and selling of antiques, in its nature, has possibility of mixing with stolen goods, and if we don't regulate by the permission, it may abet the crimes.


Therefore, by fulfilling each duty (permission・procedures afterward) under the law, we can prevent the theft and other crimes, and maintain the society that can easily recover from damage.


<Points of necessity of antique dealer permission>

① Whether the line of products meets definition of "antique" or not.

②Whether your business meets definition of "antique dealer" or not.

<Definition of antiques under Antique Dealings Act>

① The goods are used(※1)once.

② The goods are unused and traded to use them.

③  The goods are repaired or remade(※2)under the conditions of ①, ②.

※1examples of meaning of "use": clothes→ had be worn, cars→ had be driven.

※2 "repaired or remade" has to be in a range of its original usage and purpose. "Iron scrap" and "fiber scrap" do not meet the definition of antiques because they need to change their shapes to be reused.

◾️Classification of antiques(13items)

※Applications are different among the items.

Art:painting, sculpture, handiworks etc.

Clothing:Japanese clothing(kimono), other clothing

clocks, Jewelry:clocks, glasses, jewels and ornaments, precious metal etc.

Automobiles:components are included.

Motorcycles:components are included.

Bycycles:components are included.

Photographic equipments:cameras, optical equipments

Office equipments:registers, typewriters, calculators, mimeographs, word processors, facsimiles, computers etc.

Machinery tools:electric appliances, machine tools, chemical machineries, other tools etc.

Utensils:furniture, office furniture, exercise machines, musical instruments, magnetic recording medium, record players etc.

Leather・rubber goods:bags, shoes etc.


Premium tickets:gift tickets, tickets, stamps and other tickets or vouchers that are specified in the first article of  order for the Enforcement of the Antique Dealings Act.

※Large-sized machines below are excluded.

1. Ships which total weight are over 20 tons. 

2. Airplanes

3. Railroad vehicles

4. Machines which weight over 1 ton and cemented to land or buildings.

5. Machines (exclude ships) which weight over 5 tons and cannot self-propel or tow.


◾️Antique dealing in Antique Dealings Act

① A business that permitted antique dealers trade or exchange antiques, or,  trade or exchange antiques in commission. 

② An antique market managed by permitted antique market owners (dealers trade or exchange antiques, and usually sale by auction.)

※Only antique dealers are allowed to trade in the market. People with out permission cannot trade.

③ Online auction business managed by antique auction brokers who have submitted a notice to public safety commission.

※Management of internet auction.


※There are services such as "merukari" and "amazon" to sale used goods online by an individual. But it needs to be careful because there is a possibility of wondering as antique dealing, if the trade was managed. 


<Requirements・points to be permitted>

1. Whether the case meet conditions for disqualification or not.

2. Secure a place for sales office.

3. Appoint a manager.


<Period to get the permission>

Standard processing period at police office: 40 days



  1. 申請者(お店の経営者)が欠格事由に該当しないこと。

  2. ​専任の食品衛生責任者をおくこと。














  • 講習衛生上不適当な場所に位置しないこと

  • 営業する業種に応じた広さがあること

  • 厨房や製造場所にいは材料の洗浄設備(シンク)および従業員専用の手洗い施設があること

  • 厨房や製造場所には、汚水を衛生的に排出する設備があること

  • 床は清掃しやすい構造になっていること

  • 厨房や製造場所に冷蔵庫等の設備が収まっていること

  • 食品棚に扉が付いていること

  • 蓋つきのごみ箱があること

  • 従業員の人数に応じた更衣室があること


Antique dealer permission

An antique dealer means a business operator or an individual trades or exchanges antiques, which are prescribed on Antique Dealings Act, as business. The aim of the necessity for antique dealer permission is to prevent plunders from cashing, or to make the crime route clear.


Buying and selling of antiques, in its nature, has possibility of mixing with stolen goods, and if we don't regulate by the permission, it may abet the crimes.


Therefore, by fulfilling each duty (permission・procedures afterward) under the law, we can prevent the theft and other crimes, and maintain the society that can easily recover from damage.


<Points of necessity of antique dealer permission>

① Whether the line of products meets definition of "antique" or not.

②Whether your business meets definition of "antique dealer" or not.

<Definition of antiques under Antique Dealings Act>

① The goods are used(※1)once.

② The goods are unused and traded to use them.

③  The goods are repaired or remade(※2)under the conditions of ①, ②.

※1examples of meaning of "use": clothes→ had be worn, cars→ had be driven.

※2 "repaired or remade" has to be in a range of its original usage and purpose. "Iron scrap" and "fiber scrap" do not meet the definition of antiques because they need to change their shapes to be reused.

◾️Classification of antiques(13items)

※Applications are different among the items.

Art:painting, sculpture, handiworks etc.

Clothing:Japanese clothing(kimono), other clothing

clocks, Jewelry:clocks, glasses, jewels and ornaments, precious metal etc.

Automobiles:components are included.

Motorcycles:components are included.

Bycycles:components are included.

Photographic equipments:cameras, optical equipments

Office equipments:registers, typewriters, calculators, mimeographs, word processors, facsimiles, computers etc.

Machinery tools:electric appliances, machine tools, chemical machineries, other tools etc.

Utensils:furniture, office furniture, exercise machines, musical instruments, magnetic recording medium, record players etc.

Leather・rubber goods:bags, shoes etc.


Premium tickets:gift tickets, tickets, stamps and other tickets or vouchers that are specified in the first article of  order for the Enforcement of the Antique Dealings Act.

※Large-sized machines below are excluded.

1. Ships which total weight are over 20 tons. 

2. Airplanes

3. Railroad vehicles

4. Machines which weight over 1 ton and cemented to land or buildings.

5. Machines (exclude ships) which weight over 5 tons and cannot self-propel or tow.


◾️Antique dealing in Antique Dealings Act

① A business that permitted antique dealers trade or exchange antiques, or,  trade or exchange antiques in commission. 

② An antique market managed by permitted antique market owners (dealers trade or exchange antiques, and usually sale by auction.)

※Only antique dealers are allowed to trade in the market. People with out permission cannot trade.

③ Online auction business managed by antique auction brokers who have submitted a notice to public safety commission.

※Management of internet auction.


※There are services such as "merukari" and "amazon" to sale used goods online by an individual. But it needs to be careful because there is a possibility of wondering as antique dealing, if the trade was managed. 


<Requirements・points to be permitted>

1. Whether the case meet conditions for disqualification or not.

2. Secure a place for sales office.

3. Appoint a manager.


<Period to get the permission>

Standard processing period at police office: 40 days

Antique dealer permission

  • 最寄りの保健所


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