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Business manager Visa

The visa for foreign nationals to establish a company in Japan , and it is necessary to have this visa when you want to invite foreign national managers from overseas.

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​Administrative scrivener corporation Partner offers advice for business manager visa.

This visa is not easy to obtain because it needs to prepare a lot of things such as incorporation and business planning.

It is important to ask experts for advice early in order to successfully get the permission.

Administrative scrivener corporation partner​:


Administrative scrivener corporation partner​:


Requirements for Business manager visa

In order to obtain the business manager visa, applicants have to fulfill some of the requirements.

1.Business office

The office must be located in Japan.

To obtain the business manager visa which valid for more than 1 year, establishment of a company is necessary.

About establishment of a company,​ please check here. >>


 Total subscriptions of the company has to be over 5 million JPY.

      Either personal funds or borrowing form relatives is allowed.

 There must be at least 2 employees living in Japan.

Applicants have to meet at least one of above requirements.

​3.Case of administrators

If applicants want to obtain the visa not as a manager but as an administrator, they have to fulfill below two requirements.

① More than three years business experience

​② Same or more payment than Japanese​

Judging points for obtaining business manager visa

In order to obtain business manager visa, it is necessary to fulfill some requirements below.

1.Business plan

It is usually judged by viability and continuity of the business plan.

If previous term ended in the red or could not generate revenue, the company will be judged there is no business continuity, and tend to be refused renewing the visa.

2.Concreteness of the capital

​​It is important to indicate the source of the capital.

If the capital is form applicants’ personal funds, it is necessary to explain how the money was saved and show the bankbooks.

If funds are borrowed form relatives, then applicants have to prepare IOU.

​3.Background of the manager

There is no requirement for applicants’ professional career or background to obtain the visa.

However, professional career and background of a manager is very important to operate stable and sustained business.

It is not easy for a foreigner who does not familiarize with Japanese business to start a business without any connections and experiences. It needs to be explained objectively by the business plan, that how you are going to operate stable and sustained business.

​4.Obtain a business license

​Licenses are necessary for some business.


Restaurant (Food Business Permit)

Travel agency business (registration for travel agency business)

Real estate business (Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Permit)

Trade business (Export Liquor Wholesale Sales License)

Reasons that business manager visa is non-recognition.

Business manager visa is a very challenging visa.

There are several cases permitted on the first attempt.

Many applicants worry that they may not get the visa if they get non-recognition once, but there must be reasons getting non-recognition.

It is most important to know the reasons of non-recognition.

Knowing reasons and reapply with appropriate documents increase the possibility of obtaining the visa.

  • ​Case of not fulfilling requirements

There are two requirements of the visa. Applicants need to meet one of them.

・Over five million JPY subscription

・More than two employees living in Japan


If applicants do not meet the requirement, they will be non-recognition.

  • Case that the business is lack of stability and sustainability

Stability and sustainability of the business is most important to obtain business manager visa.

The key points are business plan and statement of reasons.


It is necessary to have plan in detail; for example, income and expenses are achievable for a company.

When some supplementary explanations are needed in the business plan, applicants have to prepare a statement of reasons to explain specifically. For example, relationship with cooperators who are difficult to explain, or background of the administrator. 

If business plan and state of reasons are not well prepared, the business will be judged that not stable and not sustainable, therefore the possibility of getting permission will be very low.

  • ​Case of lacking place for business establishment that can run the business

In order to apply for business manager visa (one year or more), it is necessary to prepare following business establishments.

・It must be an agreement to use the place for a long term.

・It is allowed to use for business purposes

・If the part of the residence is used for business, there must be a room exclusively for business uses, and there must be an agreement about utility bill payment.

Also, desks, telephones, facsimiles, computers, and other communication equipments have to be installed, in order to secure business continuity. 

  • Case that process of preparing the subscription is not clear

The process of preparing the 5 million JPY subscription sometimes becomes the problem.

If the capital is from applicants’ personal funds, it is necessary to explain how the money was saved in the mother countries.

If the capital is the proceeds form sales of premises or borrowed form relatives, applicants need to prepare a document proving where the source of the subscription is from.

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