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​Highly skilled professional visa

This visa is a working visa for foreign nationals who have high degree of professionalism in ares of "academic research activity", "professionaltechnical activity", "business・management activity".

Applicants' academic background, income and other items are changed to points, and if total points reach to certain level, they are qualified to obtain this visa.

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Highly skilled professional visa has preferential conditions compared to other working visa!

​Able to apply for permanent resident permission for a minimum of 1 year after obtaining highly skilled professional visa.
5 years of period of stay
Spouse of highly skilled professional visa holder is allowed to work (need to meet requirements).
Able to invite parents live in overseas to Japan (need to meet requirements).

Free consultation

​Administrative scrivener corporation Partner offers advice for highly skilled professional visa.

Some working visa holders might be qualified to obtain highly skilled professional visa.

Please contact us to check if you are qualified to change to highly skilled professional visa.

Administrative scrivener corporation partner​:


Administrative scrivener corporation partner​:


Highly Skilled Professional Point System

There is a point system that give points to “academic background,” “professional background” and “annual income” etc. according to character of  “High-level academic research activities” “High-level professional technical activities” and “High-level business management activities.” 

To obtain Highly Skilled Professional visa, it is necessary to get more than 70 points in total.

High-level academic research activities “Highly Skilled Professional (i)(a)”

Make a contract with a private or a public organization in Japan, and act as a researcher, a director of research or an educator.

High-level professional technical activities “Highly Skilled Professional (i)(b)”

Make a contract with a private or a public organization in Japan, and engage in business that knowledge or skill of the field of natural science and or humanities is necessary for.

High-level business management activities “Highly Skilled Professional (i)(c)”

Run the business at a private or a public organization in Japan and engage in management.


Change in numbers of highly skilled professional foreign nationals

The total number of highly skilled professional foreign nationals reached 12,945 in June 2018, and it is expected to increase in the future.


Working visa

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